For Faculties: Start Here
Holistic evaluation should connect the three aspects of teaching evaluation (student,泭peer, andself). A holistic representation of a faculty members teaching provides a more balanced perspective of teaching effectiveness than any one component alone.
According to section D(3) of the Holistic Evaluation Policy: Each Faculty must develop their own procedures for how they will enact these components evidence from peers, students and self within their context, particularly related to the peer review of teaching, and how this policy will be reflected in the processes of appointments, reappointments, tenure and promotion. In addition, according to the Policy, any substantive review of teaching effectiveness (including appointment, reappointment, tenure and promotion), evidence of teaching effectiveness should be submitted as part of a comprehensive, reflective teaching dossier.
With these parameters in mind, we pose the following questions to help Faculties in the creation of their holistic evaluation of teaching processes and procedures.These questions can be addressed using the following or a format of your choosing.