

Donald P. McInnes

Donald Peter McInnes was born in 1933 on the original McInnes farm on Scotch Hill Road, hewn from the woods in 1810 by Hector McInnes and his wife, Ann MacDonald when they arrived from the Isle of Rhum, Scotland.

At the age of twelve, Donald joined the Scotch Hill Calf Club and became its first president. He was a dedicated and enthusiastic member of the club, having won many awards showing cattle from the local exhibition to the Royal Winter Fair.

A graduate of Pictou Academy high school, he attended NSAC, graduating in 1955.

Working as an assistant Agricultural Representative for the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing between 1955-1957, Donald started the first Leader s Council in Pictou County and the first 4-H Rally for public speaking competitions. Being responsible for the 21 clubs in the county, he would often have two meetings a day.

Donald returned to the family farm in 1956. Having built up a purebred Jersey Herd through his 4-H involvement, he increased this herd and added a feeder hog operation. In the early 1960s the demand for low fat milk grew as did the need to increase production per cow. Donald changed his Jersey Herd for one of purebred Holsteins. He became active in the Central Nova Holstein Club serving as director and president. He also was a director and president of the Nova Scotia Holstein Association.

Donald was elected to the Nova Scotia Animal Breeder s Co-op, President of the Nova Scotia Milk & Cream Producers and a director of the Dairy Farmers of Canada. He was appointed to sit on the Nova Scotia Natural Products Marketing Board and remained on this board until 1978.

Donald served eight years as the secretary-treasurer of the local Federation of Agriculture, organizing local federations and Farm Forums. Many hours were spent in the establishment of the Nova Scotia Abattoir.

As a shareholder of Scotsburn Co-op, Donald served as a director for 22 years and Chairman of the Board for 15 years . During this time the Scotsburn Creamery grew into Scotsburn Co-op Services.

For 35 years Donald was active in the Pictou County Farmer s Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Donald served first as an agent, then as a director and manager of the company.

Actively involved with the Pictou - North Colchester Exhibition for over 35 years, he served first as a "go-for" in his teens, then as a director and as the manager for three years.

First elected to the Nova Scotia provincial legislature in 1978, Donald was a well-respected politician. He left politics in 1998. He served in several committee chairs and cabinet posts including that of Minister of the Department of Agriculture & Marketing in 1992.

Donald continues to maintain his involvement in the local community after retirement. He is an active member of the Pictou Senior Men's Choir and the Lyon's Brook Hosanna Choir. He is also a member and Past President of the Pictou Rotary Club.

Donald Peter McInnes was nominated by the Lyon's Brook Women's Institute in recognition of his life long work in the promotion and betterment of agriculture in Nova Scotia. It is fitting that he becomes an inductee into the Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame.