

Melva Elizabeth Hornbrook

Melva Elizabeth Hornbrook has lived her life in the Sussex area of New Brunswick and currently resides in Mount Middleton. Mrs. Hornbrook and her husband, James, have two sons and a daughter.

Melva has an endless supply of energy for her family and community. She assists her husband and family in running a large, successful dairy farm. She has a love of gardening, and finds time in a busy schedule to help others.

For thirty-nine years, Mrs. Hornbrook has been a 4-H leader in both clothing and dairy 4-H clubs. The Hornbrook farm received the Centennial Farm Award. Mrs. Hornbrook has given several tours of the farm to school children and other organizations. For many years, Melva opened her home and farm to "Farm Vacations". All visitors come away with a wealth of knowledge of dairy cows, grains grown, and a full tummy.

Mrs. Hornbrook is an active member of Women's Institute helping the organization sponsor scholarships and writing contests about agriculture for schools. Mrs. Hornbrook has donated several articles of interest to the Farmers' Museum in Sussex.

For several years, Mrs. Hornbrook has served as secretary-treasurer for the Kings County Agricultural Fair. She provided many hours of her time to this fair in which everyone in Kings County brings flowers, vegetables, cooking, crafts, and homemade quilts for judging. This fair can boast its huge success because of Melva's efforts. Mrs. Hornbrook has served on the Country Living Days Committee, a week-long festival in Sussex to promote the dairy, beef, and horse interests in the region. At the local open dairy show, one cannot help but notice all of the Hornbrook Ayrshires placing up front in the classes.

For several years, Mrs. Hornbrook represented the local Sussex 4-H district in Fredericton which took Melva away from home quite often. Melva has always kept up on the latest and newest developments in 4-H rules and regulations.

Mrs. Hornbrook and her husband James belong to the local Co-op, otherwise known as the "Sussex and Studholm Agricultural Society". The Hornbrooks are also members of the Sussex Ayrshire Club. Mrs. Hornbrook is a selfless, unique, hard-working person who enriches the lives of all with her tireless labours and efforts to promote agriculture in every form. The members and leaders of the Sussex Holstein 4-H Calf Club wish to say "thank you" and are pleased to nominate Melva Hornbrook for induction to the Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame.