

Disease Management in Organic Cropping Systems

General organic disease management resources

Practical Resources

    • eOrganic. 2014
    • Organic Federation of Canada. 2013
    • Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. 2014
    • eOrganic. 2014
    • eOrganic. 2018
  • [PDF - 11.1 MB]
    • Cornell University. 2013

Scientific Results

    • HortScience (2013) 48: 510-512
    • Applied Soil Ecology (2000) 15: 37-47
    • Journal of Applied Ecology (2015) 52: 310-322
    • Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2001) 23: 1-7
    • Sustainable Agriculture Research (2015) 4: 89-102
    • Journal of Nematology (2007) 39: 213-220
    • Agronomy Journal (2014) 106: 519-527
    • Organic Eprints. 2012


For more information on organic management for diseases of a specific crop, please see the relevant pages in the Horticulture and Field Crops sections of this website.