Manning P, Cutler GC. 2020. Exposure to low concentrations of pesticide stimulates ecological functioning in the dung beetle Onthophagus nuchicornis. PeerJ 8:e10359
Gradish AE, van der Steen J, Scott-Dupree CD, Cutler GC, Goulson D, Gradish AE, Klein O, Lehmann DM, L羹ckmann J, ONeill B, Raine N, Sharma B, Thompson H. 2019. Comparison of pesticide exposure in honey bees and bumble bees: Implications for risk assessments. J Econ Entomol 48:12-21
Manning PM, Cutler GC. 2018. Ecosystem functioning is more strongly impaired by reducing dung beetle abundance than by reducing species richness. Agric Ecosyst Environ 264:9-14
Rix RR, Cutler GC. 2018. Does multigenerational exposure to hormetic concentrations of imidacloprid precondition aphids for increased insecticide tolerance? Pest Manag Sci 74:314-322
Cutler GC, Guedes RNC. 2017. Occurrence and significance of insecticide-induced hormesis in insects. ACS Symposium Series volume, "Pesticide Dose: Effects on the Environment and Target and Non-Target Organisms, Chapter 8, pp 101-119
Cutler GC, Scott-Dupree. 2016. Bee ecotoxicology and data veracity: appreciating the GLP process. Bioscience (in press)
Rix RR, Ayyanath MM, Cutler GC. 2016. Sublethal doses of imidacloprid increase reproduction, induce expression of detoxification genes, and prime Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) for subsequent stress. J Pest Sci 89: 581-589
Melathopoulos AP, Cutler GC, Tyedmers P. 2015. Where is the value in valuing pollination ecosystem services to agriculture? Ecol Econ 109: 59-70
Cutler GC, Scott-Dupree CD, Sultan M, McFarlane AD, Brewer L. 2014. A large-scale field study examining effects of exposure to clothianidin seed-treated canola on honey bee colony health, development, and overwintering success. PeerJ 2: e652
Cutler GC, Scott-Dupree CD. 2014. A field study examining the effects of exposure to neonicotinoid seed-treated corn on commercial bumble bee colonies. Ecotoxicology 23: 1755-1763
Guedes RNC, Cutler GC. 2014. Pesticide-induced hormesis and arthropod pest management. Pest Manag Sci 70: 690-697 (Invited Review)
Cutler GC, Purdy J, Giesy JP, Solomon KR. 2014. Risk to pollinators from the use of chlorpyrifos in North America. Rev Environ Contam Toxicol 231:219-265
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