

COSTUME STUDIES: 5 things to know

What is costume studies?

Dals costume studies program combines research, academic and applied skills in the study of historical and theatrical costume. Youll achieve a well-rounded education creating costumes from any historical period and strengthen your problem-solving skills.

Why AV整氈窒?

Our costume studies program began in 1974 and has adapted and grown into the most unique of its kind in North America. We offer a four-year BA honours theatre degree in costume studies or a two-year diploma in costume studies. This specialized degree is unique to our region.

What will I study?

▂ostume history
▌odern and historical construction
▂ostume design
▂ostume in performance

Youll create costumes for four of the Fountain School of Performing Arts stage productions each year. This experience equips you with the technical skills to create clothing from any period in history. Youll also be grounded in a comprehensive knowledge of costume history with the academic and research skills necessary to understand costume in its broadest context.

泭What kind of jobs can I get?

Our graduates are prepared for successful careers in varied career paths related to costume. Youll be equipped for careers in theatre film and television. Graduates of the program also leave with the academic study and research skills necessary to continue studies in historical research, museum/curatorial and conservation, as well as costume design.

Where to start?

㎜ERF 1000 Writing about Performance &
㎡HEA1451/1452 Introduction to Costume Studies.

Questions? Contact performingarts@dal.ca
Find out more
Check out recent 2024 grad, Louisa's story!