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Meet Brittany Kelly, WiTS President

Posted by Emily Edwards, Brittany Kelly on November 9, 2015 in Students, News

Tell me about yourself聽 聽聽
I'm in my final year of University - I started here back in the fall of 2011. I'm currently a front end web developer for Vendeve while I'm finishing up the last two semesters of my degree and being the president of WiTS. Life gets pretty hectic but I wouldn't change it for anything (well okay, maybe some sleep!).聽

Why did you choose Computer Science?
I've played with computers for years, and started building websites when I was 12. I originally wanted to pursue a visual arts degree - but then I learned that in web development I could combine my knack for visual design with coding.After doing some researched, Dal seemed to have the strongest department for CS.

What does your society do?
Our members contribute to many events held by the Faculty as well as hosting our own social events and a large networking events where we invite people from industry to talk and meet with students about their work. We play a big part in the Culture of Respect Committee helping to promote equality within the Faculty of Computer Science, and along with that our events are all inclusive to all genders! 聽 聽 聽 聽

Why did you join this society?
In the summer of 2014 I started using Twitter a lot more and shared many articles with the WiTS Twitter account. That's when the then VP of WiTS Sage Franch reached out to me asking if I wanted to join. That's when I met up with Sage and Sarah Morash to plan for the up coming school year, and the rest is history 聽 聽 聽聽

It's given me a purpose in my degree and I feel so good when I hear that our events and our involvement has helped someone with their own decisions. I soon found that surrounding myself with such driven and smart women has really made me want to strive to be more involve in the community.聽
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What made you want to become President of the society?
I was volun-told! Last year I was the VP and ended up becoming the acting-president when the co-presidents both had to step down last April. The rest of the membership thought it was just natural to be in the position now.聽

What do you like most about your degree?
I love the flexibility it has. There are so many opportunities to apply it to other passions. For me, I love to draw and I can incorporate that love with web development.

My favourite part about coding itself is the problem solving aspect. It's like solving puzzles - I'm known to have little dance parties when I get something complicated to work.聽
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What have you found most surprising during your degree?聽
I love the atmosphere. Once people start having coops or other real experience, the discussions that happen between people trying to solve the same problem are fun. Also the instructors here in our Faculty are amazing and approachable. When I graduate next year, that's what I'm going to miss the most is these interactions with everyone.聽

Tell me about the events your society holds
We often have social events that have been anything from movie nights, bowling, brewery tours and more! It's a great opportunity to bring out everyone from the faculty for a night of fun and meet some more people.

Our biggest events though are our We Talk Tech events where we invite speakers from industry to come and chat about their work, sometimes revolving around a theme. Past themes have been about start-ups.