Claver DialloPEng, PhD



Email: claver.diallo@dal.ca
Phone: 902-494-3054
Fax: 902-420-7858
Research Topics:
  • Remanufacturing and Sustainability
  • Industry 4.0, Physical Internet
  • Closed Loop Supply Chains Design and Management
  • Reliability and Availability Optimization
  • Maintenance Engineering and Management
  • Project Scheduling & Management


  • BEng - Université Laval
  • MASc - Université Laval
  • PhD - Université Laval

Research Interests

Dr. Diallo's research interests are in Performance Optimization for Production and Service Systems. Specific areas of his research are Maintenance Engineering and Management, Reliability and Availability Engineering, Design and Optimization of Closed Loop Supply Chains, Design for Sustainability, and Remanufacturing.

Selected Awards and Honours

  • Industrial Engineering Professor of the Year Award (2009, 2011, 2018, 2022, 2023)

Accreditations and Affiliations

  • Engineers Nova-Scotia
  • Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IISE)
  • Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS)
  • Imhotep's Legacy Academy (ILA)

Selected Research Projects

  • Refit Optimizer (Scale AI sponsored - )
  • Intelligent Maintenance Optimization in the Airlines Industry
  • Reverse Logistics Network Design for Recyclable Collection


Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

  1. Al-Jabouri, H; Saif, A; Diallo, C (2023). Robust selective maintenance optimization of series-parallel mission-critical systems subject to maintenance quality uncertainty, Computational Management Science, Available online at .
  2. Liu, M. Zhang, J. Chen and C. Diallo (2023), "Buy now or later? New or remanufactured? How to attract strategic customers", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 172: 103068. Available online at
  3. C. Ash, U. Venkatadri, C. Diallo, P. Vanberkel and A. Saif (2023), "PPE Supply Optimization Under Risks of Disruption from the COVID-19 Pandemic", Operations Research Forum, Volume 4, Article 23, Available online at
  4. H. Al-Jabouri, A. Saif, C. Diallo and A. Khatab (2023), “Branch-and-price algorithms for large-scale mission-oriented maintenance planning problems”, Computers & Operations Research. Available online at .
  5. A. Gharaei, C. Diallo and U. Venkatadri (2022), "Optimal economic growing quantity for reproductive farmed animals under profitable by-products and carbon emission considerations,” Journal of Cleaner Production. Available online at
  6. R. O'Neil, A. Khatab, C. Diallo and U. Venkatadri (2022), "Optimal joint maintenance and orienteering strategy for complex mission-oriented systems: A case study in offshore wind energy,” Computers and Operations Research. Available online at .
  7. Z. Liu, J. Chen, C. Diallo and U. Venkatadri (2022), "Optimal extended warranty pricing and retailing strategies in a closed-loop supply chain,” International Journal of Production Research. Available online at
  8. C. Ash, C. Diallo, U. Venkatadri, and P. Vanberkel (2022) “Distributionally robust optimization of a Canadian healthcare supply chain to enhance resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 168, Available online at
  9. R. O'Neil, C. Diallo, A. Khatab and EH. Aghezzaf (2022), "A hybrid column-generation and genetic algorithm approach for solving large-scale multimission selective maintenance problems in serial K-out-of-N:G systems,” International Journal of Production Research. Available online at
  10. A Khatab, C Diallo, EH Aghezzaf, U Venkatadri (2022), “Optimization of the integrated fleet-level imperfect selective maintenance and repairpersons assignment problem,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 33, 703-718.
  11. Samuel CN,Diallo C, Venkatadri U, Ghayebloo S (2021)Multicomponent Multiproduct Closed-loop Supply Chain Design with Transshipment and Economies of Scale Considerations, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 153,107073.
  12. Liu Z, Chen J,Diallo C, Venkatadri U (2021) Pricing and production decisions in a dual-channel closed-loop supply chain with (re)manufacturing,International Journal of Production Economics,Vol. 232, 107935.
  13. Ülkü MA, Akgün M, Venkatadri U, Diallo C, Chadha SS (2020) Managing Environmental and Operational Risks for Sustainable Cotton Production Logistics: A System Dynamics Modelling for a Textile Company, Logistics, Accepted Dec. 2020.
  14. Bhavsar A, Diallo C,Ulku MA (2020) Towards sustainable development: optimal pricing and sale strategies for retailing fair trade products, Journal of Cleaner Production.
  15. Khatab A, Diallo C, Aghezzaf EH, Venkatadri U (2020) Optimization of the integrated fleet-level imperfect selective maintenance and repairpersons assignment problem, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing.
  16. Chaabane K, Khatab A,Diallo C, Aghezzaf EH, Venkatadri U (2020)Integrated imperfect multimission selective maintenance and repairpersons assignment problem,Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
  17. Liu Z, Diallo C, Chen J, Zhang M (2020) Optimal pricing and production strategies for new and remanufactured products under a non-renewing free replacement warranty,International Journal of Production Economics.
  18. Samuel CN, Venkatadri U, Diallo C, Khatab A (2020) Robust closed-loop supply chain design with presorting, return quality and carbon emission considerations, Journal of Cleaner Production.
  19. Nguyen TD, Venkatadri U, Nguyen-Quang T, Diallo C,Adams M (2020).Optimization Model for Fresh Fruit Supply Chains: Case-Study of Dragon Fruit in Vietnam,AgriEngineering,2(1), 1-26.
  20. Diallo C,Venkatadri U, Khatab A,Liu Z, Aghezzaf EH (2019)Optimal joint selective imperfect maintenance and multiple repairpersons assignment strategy for complex multicomponent systems,International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 57 (13), pp. 4098-4117.
  21. Chen J, Venkatadri U, Diallo C(2019) Optimal (re)manufacturing strategies in the presence of spontaneous consumer returns, Journal of Cleaner Production, Accepted July 12, 2019.
  22. Khatab A,Diallo C, EH Aghezzaf, U Venkatadri (2019)Integrated production quality and condition-based maintenance optimisation for a stochastically deteriorating manufacturing system,International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 57 (8), pp. 2480-2497.
  23. Lo H., Ghasemi A.,Diallo C, Newhook J. (2019) Comparative study on logical analysis of data, artificial neural networks, and PHM for maintenance prognostics,Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering.Vol. 25 (1) pp. 2-24..
  24. Nadeem M,Diallo C, Nguyen-Quang T, Venkatadri U, Havard P (2019).Optimizing a bi-objective mathematical model for minimizing spraying time and drift proportion, AgriEngineering, Vol. 1 (3)418-433.
  25. Nadeem M, Nguyen-Quang T,Diallo C, Venkatadri U, Havard P (2019).Contribution to spraying nozzle study: a comparative investigation of imaging and simulation approaches.Pk. J. Agri. Sci. Vol.56 (1): 215-224.
  26. Diallo C, Venkatadri U., Khatab A,Liu Z.(2018) Optimal selective maintenance decisions for large serial k-out-of-n:G systems under imperfect maintenance,Reliability Engineering & System Safety,Vol. 175C, pp. 234-245..
  27. Khatab A, Diallo C., U Venkatadri, Z Liu, EH Aghezzaf (2018) Optimization of the joint selective maintenance and repairperson assignment problem under imperfect maintenance, Computers & Industrial Engineering.Vol. 125, pp. 413-422..
  28. Liu Z., Chen J., Diallo C. (2018), Optimal Production and Pricing Strategies for a Remanufacturing Firm, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol 204,290-315.
  29. Khatab A, Diallo C, EH Aghezzaf, U. Venkatadri (2018) Condition-based selective maintenance for stochastically degrading multi-component systems under periodic inspection and imperfect maintenance, The Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability,Vol 232 (4), 447-463, Available online at: .
  30. M. Nadeem, Y.K. Chang, U. Venkatadri, Diallo C., P. Havard and T. Nguyen-Quang (2018) Water Quantification from Sprayer Nozzle by Using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Versus Imaging Processing Techniques, Pak. J. Agri. Sci., Vol. 55(1), 203-207.
  31. Omar R., Venkatadri U., Diallo C., Mrishih S. (2017) A Data Driven Approach to Estimate the Clearing Function for Multi-Product Production Network Planning Based on Mean-Value Analysis, International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 55 (23) pp. 7110-7134. .
  32. Venkatadri U., Diallo C., Ghayebloo S. (2017). Reverse Logistics Network Design under Greenness, Reliability, and Refurbished Product Demand Considerations. InternationalJournal of Automation and Logistics. Vol. 3 (1) pp. 33-54.
  33. Khatab A., Aghezzaf E.H., Diallo C., Djelloul I. (2017) Selective maintenance optimization for series-parallel systems alternating missions and scheduled breaks with stochastic durations.International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 55 (10), pp. 3008-3024. Available online at
  34. Khatab A., Diallo C., Sidibe I. (2017). Optimal imperfect maintenance policy for second-hand products subjected to upgrade, Journal of Manufacturing Systems. Vol. 43 (1), pp. 58-78. Available online at
  35. Sidibe I., Khatab A., Diallo C., A Kassambara (2017). Optimal age replacement policy for second-hand systems with random initial age operating under severe conditions, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 159 pp. 255-263. Available online at
  36. Diallo C., Venkatadri U., Khatab A., Bhakthavatchalam S., (2017). State of the art review of quality, reliability, and maintenance issues in closed-loop supply chains with remanufacturing, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 55 (5), pp. 1277 - 1296. Available online at

Book Chapters

  1. Diallo C., U. Venkatadri, A. Khatab, S. Bhakthavatchalam (2018) Optimizing combination warranty policies using remanufactured replacement products from the seller and buyer's perspectives in Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, ICORES 2017, Revised Selected Papers. Ed. Greg H. Parlier, Federico Liberatore and Marc Demange. Vol. 884 pp. 224-239.
  2. Diallo C., Ait-Kadi D., Chelbi A., (2009). Integrated Spare Parts Management in Handbook of Maintenance Management and Engineering, Springer, pp.189-220. ISBN: 978-1-84882-471-3.

Conferences with Peer Review

  1. Gao, L; Khatab, A; Diallo, C; Venkatadri, U. (2023). Optimisation d’une politique de garantie combinée utilisant des produits remanufacturés. CIGI QUALITA MOSIM 2023, Trois-Rivières, Canada
  2. O'Neil, R; Diallo, C; Khatab, A. (2022). A Novel Predictive Selective Maintenance Strategy Using Deep Learning and Mathematical Programming. IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (10). 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2022, Nantes, France (1207–1212)
  3. Al-Jabouri, H; Saif, A; Khatab, A; Diallo, C; Venkatadri, U. (2022). Selective maintenance optimization: a condensed critical review and future research directions. IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (10). 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2022, Nantes, France (1213-1218)
  4. Dang, Phi Van Hai; Venkatadri, Uday; Nguyen-Quang, Tri; Diallo, Claver; Ki Chang, Young. (2022). Modelling congestion for aggregate production planning in open queuing networks. Proceedings of the 7th North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Orlando, Florida, United States of America
  5. Khatab, A; Chaabane, K; Diallo, C; Aghezzaf, EH; Venkatadri, U. (2022). Optimizing Selective Maintenance Problem in Mission-Oriented Systems under Repairpersons Availability. Proc 8th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Istanbul, Turkey
  6. Khatab A,Diallo C, Venkatadri U, Aghezzaf EH (2020) Optimal selective maintenance for systems operating under random environments,7th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), June 2020, Prague (online).
  7. Chaabane K, Khatab A, Diallo C, Venkatadri U, Aghezzaf EH (2020)Selective maintenance optimization problem in systems under repairpersons availability,7th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), June 2020, Prague (online).
  8. Diallo C., A. Khatab, U. Venkatadri (2019) Developing a Bi-Objective Imperfect Selective Maintenance Optimization Model for Multicomponent Systems. IFAC / IEEE / IFORS / IFIP / INFORMS MIM 2019 Conference, Aug. 28-30, 2019, Berlin, Germany.
  9. Khatab A.,Diallo C., Aghezzaf E.-H., Venkatadri U. (2019) Joint Optimization of the Selective Maintenance and Repairperson Assignment Problem When Using New and Remanufactured Spare Parts. IFAC / IEEE / IFORS / IFIP / INFORMS MIM 2019 Conference, Aug. 28-30, 2019, Berlin, Germany.
  10. Kenza Chaabane, A. Khatab, E-H. Aghezzaf, Diallo C., U. Venkatadri (2018)Outsourcing selective maintenance problem in failure prone multi-component systems, INCOM 2018, 16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing. 11-13 June 2018, Bergamo - Italy.
  11. Diallo C., Khatab A., Venkatadri U., Aghezzaf E.-H. (2017).A joint selective maintenance and multiple repair-person assignment problem.7th IESM conference, Oct. 2017, Saarbrucken, Germany.
  12. Khatab A., Diallo C., Aghezzaf E.-H., Venkatadri U. (2017).Optimizing the integrated economic production quantity for a stochastically deteriorating production system under condition-based maintenance. 7th IESM conference, Oct. 2017, Saarbrucken, Germany.
  13. Bhakthavatchalam S., Diallo C., Venkatadri U., Khatab A. (2017). Optimal Combination Rebate Warranty Policy with Second-Hand Products. 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2017), Feb. 24, 2017, Porto, Portugal.
  14. Omar R, Venkatadri U, Diallo C. (2016). Estimating the Clearing Function for a Multi-Product Production Network Based on Mean-Value Analysis. IFAC / IEEE / IFORS / IFIP / INFORMS MIM 2016 Conference, June 28-30, Troyes, France. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.836.
  15. Sidibe I., Khatab A., Diallo C., Ait-Kadi D. (2015). A maintenance optimization model for a second-hand stochastically deteriorating system under different operating environments, Proc. CEIT 2015.
  16. Bhakthavatchalam S., Diallo C., Venkatadri U., Khatab A. (2015). Quality, Reliability, Maintenance Issues in Closed-Loop Supply Chains: A Review, Proc. 2015 IFAC Symposium on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM 2015), May 11-13, 2015, Ottawa, Canada.
  17. Sidibe I., Khatab A., Diallo C. (2014). Maintenance optimization model for stochastically degrading systems under different operating environments, Proceedings CIE44 & IMSS’14, 14-16 October 2014, Istanbul – Turkey.
  18. Khatab A., Diallo C., Aït-Kadi, D., (2014). Joint Optimal Upgrade level and Imperfect Preventive Maintenance Strategy for Refreshed End-of-life Systems, Proceedings 8th International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability (MIMAR), 10 - 12 July 2014, Oxford, UK.
  19. Chari N., Diallo C., Venkatadri C., Aït-Kadi D. (2013). Manufacturing Strategy using New and Reconditioned Rotable Spare Parts. 11th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing GCSM –CIRP, 23–25 September 2013, Berlin, Germany.
  20. Chari N., U. Venkatadri, Diallo C. (2012). Optimal Unlimited Free-Replacement Warranty Policy Using a Mixture of New and Reconditioned Components, 4th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS 2012), August 2012, Québec, Canada.
  21. Chari N., Diallo C., U. Venkatadri, D. Ait-Kadi (2012).EOL Warranty and Spare Parts Manufacturing Strategy using New and Reconditioned Parts, 54th Annual Conference of the Canadian Operational Research Society and the 10th International Conference on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming (CORS/MOPGP 2012), June 2012, Niagara Falls, Canada. (Competition paper)

Underscored names are students or Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP).

Teaching Experience

  • IENG-3344 Operations Research I: Linear Models
  • IENG-4562 Maintenance Engineering & Management
  • IENG-4568 Quantitative Project Management
  • IENG-4443 Statistical Quality Control & Reliability
  • IENG-4500 Operations Research Methods for Systems Engineering
  • IENG-4575 Stochastic Processes & Queueing Theory
  • IENG-4581X/Y: Project in Industry
  • IENG-6912: Introduction to Operations Research (graduate course)
  • IENG-6916 Stochastic Processes & Queueing (graduate course)