

LAWS 2175 ‑ Nova Scotia Supreme Court (Family Division) Placement


Two students will assist Judges of the Supreme Court (Family Division) each term, providing research and undertaking other tasks as directed by the supervising Judge. Students will be expected to spend nine hours per week working at the Court and upon the tasks assigned by the Court. Only third year students in good academic standing and a demonstrated interest in family law will be accepted. This course cannot be used to fulfil the major paper requirement.

SUPERVISORS: Justice J. Williams, R. Thompson.

Prerequisite(s): Family Law (LAWS 2110).
Assessment Method: Based on satisfactory completion of assigned tasks, including an assessment of written work such as memoranda provide to the Court.
Restrictions: This course is restricted to Third Year students only. Students are not permitted to audit this course.

*This course is unavailable to International Linkages students.