

EES Faculty High Impact Journal Publications

Our department punches above its weight class—we currently have only 15 research professors including active emeriti.

Here we list over 50 articles by current members of our department published in NATURE, SCIENCE, PlosONE, and PNAS families of journals.

Norris, S.N.,ÌýGosse J.C, Millan, R., Mouginot, J., Rabatel, A., Morlighem, M., Bolton, M., Alley, R. 2024-in press, Drivers of Global Glacial Erosion.  Nature Geosciences. 

Dong, X., Wang, X., Yang, L., Zhao, Z., Van Balen, R., Miao, X., Liu, T., Vandenberghe, J., Pan, B., Gibling, M. and Lu, H., 2024. Quantitative assessment of the erosion and deposition effects of landslide-dam outburst flood, Eastern Himalaya. Scientific Reports,Ìý14(1), p.7038.

Gong, C., Tian, H., Liao, H., Pan, N., Pan, S., Ito, A., Jain, A.K.,ÌýKou-Giesbrecht, S., Joos, F., Sun, Q. and Shi, H., 2024. Global net climate effects of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen. Nature, pp.1-7.

Jian, H., Canales, J.P., Dunn, R. and Nedimović, M.R., 2024. Hydrothermal flow and serpentinization in oceanic core complexes controlled by mafic intrusions. Nature Geoscience, pp.1-6.

Yang, Y.,ÌýMaselli, V., Zhou, L., Gao, J., Gao, Y., Wang, Y.P., Jia, J. and Gao, S., 2024. Anomalously weak intensity of tropical cyclones striking eastern China over the past two millennia. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science,Ìý7(1), p.127.

Carreras Pereira, K.A., Wolf, A.A.,ÌýKou-Giesbrecht, S., Akana, P.R., Funk, J.L. and Menge, D.N., 2023. Allometric relationships for eight species of 4–5 year old nitrogen-fixing and non-fixing trees. Plos one,Ìý18(8), p.e0289679.

Giuliani, A., Schmidt, M.W., Torsvik, T.H. and Fedortchouk, Y., 2023. Genesis and evolution of kimberlites. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment,Ìý4(11), pp.738-753.

Marjanović, M., Carbotte, S.M., Stopin, A., Singh, S.C., Plessix, R.É., Marjanović, M.,ÌýNedimović, M.R., Canales, J.P., Carton, H.D., Mutter, J.C. and Escartín, J., 2023. Insights into dike nucleation and eruption dynamics from high-resolution seismic imaging of magmatic system at the East Pacific Rise. Science Advances,Ìý9(39), p.eadi2698.

Ielpi, A., Lapôtre, M.G., Gibling, M.R. and Boyce, C.K., 2022. The impact of vegetation on meandering rivers. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment,Ìý3(3), pp.165-178.

Kjær, K.H., Winther Pedersen, M., De Sanctis, B., De Cahsan, B., Korneliussen, T.S., Michelsen, C.S., Sand, K.K., Jelavić, S., Ruter, A.H., Schmidt, A.M. Kjeldsen, K.K.,ÌýGosse, J.C. and others. 2022. A 2-million-year-old ecosystem in Greenland uncovered by environmental DNA. Nature,Ìý612(7939), pp.283-291.

Özpolat, E., Yıldırım, C., Görüm, T.,ÌýGosse, J.C., Åžahiner, E., Sarıkaya, M.A. and Owen, L.A., 2022. Three-dimensional control of alluvial fans by rock uplift in an extensional regime: Aydın Range, Aegean extensional province. Scientific reports,Ìý12(1), p.15306.

Kotková, J.,ÌýFedortchouk, Y., Wirth, R. and Whitehouse, M.J., 2021. Metamorphic microdiamond formation is controlled by water activity, phase transitions and temperature. Scientific Reports,Ìý11(1), p.7694.

Lackey, G., Rajaram, H., Bolander, J., Sherwood, O.A., Ryan, J.N., Shih, C.Y., Bromhal, G.S. and Dilmore, R.M., 2021. Public data from three US states provide new insights into well integrity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,Ìý118(14), p.e2013894118.

Normandeau, A., MacKillop, K., Macquarrie, M., Richards, C., Bourgault, D., Campbell, D.C., Maselli, V., Philibert, G. and Clarke, J.H., 2021. Submarine landslides triggered by iceberg collision with the seafloor. Nature Geoscience,Ìý14(8), pp.599-605.

Brenan, J.M., 2020. The magmatic forge. Nature Geoscience,Ìý13(11), pp.716-717.

Lesher, C.E., Dannberg, J., Barfod, G.H., Bennett, N.R., Glessner, J.J., Lacks, D.J. and Brenan, J.M., 2020. Iron isotope fractionation at the core–mantle boundary by thermodiffusion. Nature Geoscience,Ìý13(5), pp.382-386.

Maselli, V., Iacopini, D., Ebinger, C.J., Tewari, S., de Haas, H., Wade, B.S., Pearson, P.N., Francis, M., van Vliet, A., Richards, B. and Kroon, D., 2020. Large-scale mass wasting in the western Indian Ocean constrains onset of East African rifting. Nature communications,Ìý11(1), p.3456.

Milkov, A.V., Schwietzke, S., Allen, G.,ÌýSherwood, O.A. and Etiope, G., 2020. Using global isotopic data to constrain the role of shale gas production in recent increases in atmospheric methane. Scientific Reports,Ìý10(1), p.4199.

Brenan, J.M., Mungall, J.E. and Bennett, N.R., 2019. Abundance of highly siderophile elements in lunar basalts controlled by iron sulfide melt. Nature Geoscience,Ìý12(9), pp.701-706.

Kou-Giesbrecht, S. and Menge, D., 2019. Nitrogen-fixing trees could exacerbate climate change under elevated nitrogen deposition. Nature Communications,Ìý10(1), p.1493.

Bécel, A., Shillington, D.J., Delescluse, M.,ÌýNedimović, M.R., Abers, G.A., Saffer, D.M., Webb, S.C., Keranen, K.M., Roche, P.H., Li, J. and Kuehn, H., 2017. Tsunamigenic structures in a creeping section of the Alaska subduction zone. Nature Geoscience,Ìý10(8), pp.609-613.

Canales, J.P., Carbotte, S.M.,ÌýNedimović, M.R. and Carton, H., 2017. Dry Juan de Fuca slab revealed by quantification of water entering Cascadia subduction zone. Nature Geoscience,Ìý10(11), pp.864-870.

Minter, N.J., Buatois, L.A., Mángano, M.G., Davies, N.S.,ÌýGibling, M.R., MacNaughton, R.B. and Labandeira, C.C., 2017. Early bursts of diversification defined the faunal colonization of land. Nature Ecology & Evolution,Ìý1(7), p.0175.

Madricardo, F., Foglini, F., Kruss, A., …Maselli, V. … 2017. High resolution multibeam and hydrodynamic datasets of tidal channels and inlets of the Venice Lagoon. ³§³¦¾±±ð²Ô³Ù¾±´Ú¾±³¦Ìý¶Ù²¹³Ù²¹Â 4, 170121 

Menounos, B., Goehring, B.M., Osborn, G., Margold, M., Ward, B., Bond, J., Clarke, G.K., Clague, J.J., Lakeman, T., Koch, J., Caffee, M.W.,ÌýGosse, J., Striven, A.P., Heyman, J.  2017. Cordilleran Ice Sheet mass loss preceded climate reversals near the Pleistocene Termination. Science,Ìý358(6364), pp.781-784.

Nedimović, M.R., 2016. Delayed response to mantle pull. Nature Geoscience,Ìý9(8), pp.571-572.

Schwietzke, S.,ÌýSherwood, O.A., Bruhwiler, L.M., Miller, J.B., Etiope, G., Dlugokencky, E.J., Michel, S.E., Arling, V.A., Vaughn, B.H., White, J.W. and Tans, P.P., 2016. Upward revision of global fossil fuel methane emissions based on isotope database. Nature,Ìý538(7623), pp.88-91.

Sherwood, O.A., Rogers, J.D., Lackey, G., Burke, T.L., Osborn, S.G. and Ryan, J.N., 2016. Groundwater methane in relation to oil and gas development and shallow coal seams in the Denver-Julesburg Basin of Colorado. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,Ìý113(30), pp.8391-8396.

Mungall, J.E.,ÌýBrenan, J.M., Godel, B., Barnes, S.J. and Gaillard, F., 2015. Transport of metals and sulphur in magmas by flotation of sulphide melt on vapour bubbles. Nature Geoscience,Ìý8(3), pp.216-219.

McMahon, K.W., McCarthy, M.D., Sherwood, O.A., Larsen, T. and Guilderson, T.P., 2015. Millennial-scale plankton regime shifts in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean. Science,Ìý350(6267), pp.1530-1533.

Shillington, D.J., Bécel, A.,ÌýNedimović, M.R., Kuehn, H., Webb, S.C., Abers, G.A., Keranen, K.M., Li, J., Delescluse, M. and Mattei-Salicrup, G.A., 2015. Link between plate fabric, hydration and subduction zone seismicity in Alaska. Nature Geoscience,Ìý8(12), pp.961-964.

Sherwood, O.A., Guilderson, T.P., Batista, F.C., Schiff, J.T. and McCarthy, M.D., 2014. Increasing subtropical North Pacific Ocean nitrogen fixation since the little ice age. Nature,Ìý505(7481), pp.78-81.

Murphy, M.A., Taylor, M.H.,ÌýGosse, J., Silver, C.R.P., Whipp, D.M. and Beaumont, C., 2014. Limit of strain partitioning in the Himalaya marked by large earthquakes in western Nepal. Nature Geoscience,Ìý7(1), pp.38-42.

Carbotte, S.M., Marjanović, M., Carton, H., Mutter, J.C., Canales, J.P.,ÌýNedimović, M.R., Han, S. and Perfit, M.R., 2013. Fine-scale segmentation of the crustal magma reservoir beneath the East Pacific Rise. Nature Geoscience,Ìý6(10), pp.866-870.

Marjanović, M., Carbotte, S.M., Carton, H.,ÌýNedimović, M.R., Mutter, J.C. and Canales, J.P., 2014. A multi-sill magma plumbing system beneath the axis of the East Pacific Rise. Nature Geoscience,Ìý7(11), pp.825-829.

Maselli, V. and Trincardi, F., 2013. Man made deltas. Scientific Reports,Ìý3(1), p.1926.

Rybczynski, N.,ÌýGosse, J.C., Richard Harington, C., Wogelius, R.A., Hidy, A.J. and Buckley, M., 2013. Mid-Pliocene warm-period deposits in the High Arctic yield insight into camel evolution. Nature communications,Ìý4(1), p.1550.

Sterling, S.M., Ducharne, A. and Polcher, J., 2013. The impact of global land-cover change on the terrestrial water cycle. Nature Climate Change,Ìý3(4), pp.385-390.

Brenan, J., 2012. Ubiquitous late veneer. Nature Geoscience,Ìý5(9), pp.591-592.

Canales, J.P., Carton, H., Carbotte, S.M., Mutter, J.C.,ÌýNedimović, M.R., Xu, M., Aghaei, O., Marjanović, M. and Newman, K., 2012. Network of off-axis melt bodies at the East Pacific Rise. Nature Geoscience,Ìý5(4), pp.279-283.

Gibling, M.R. and Davies, N.S., 2012. Palaeozoic landscapes shaped by plant evolution. Nature Geoscience,Ìý5(2), pp.99-105.

Sherwood, O.A., Lehmann, M.F., Schubert, C.J., Scott, D.B. and McCarthy, M.D., 2011. Nutrient regime shift in the western North Atlantic indicated by compound-specific δ 15N of deep-sea gorgonian corals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,Ìý108(3), pp.1011-1015.

Davies, N.S. and Gibling, M.R., 2011. Evolution of fixed-channel alluvial plains in response to Carboniferous vegetation. Nature Geoscience,Ìý4(9), pp.629-633.

Brenan, J.M. and McDonough, W.F., 2009. Core formation and metal–silicate fractionation of osmium and iridium from gold. Nature Geoscience,Ìý2(11), pp.798-801.

Canales, J.P.,ÌýNedimović, M.R., Kent, G.M., Carbotte, S.M. and Detrick, R.S., 2009. Seismic reflection images of a near-axis melt sill within the lower crust at the Juan de Fuca ridge. Nature,Ìý460(7251), pp.89-93.

Nedimović, M.R., Carbotte, S.M., Harding, A.J., Detrick, R.S., Canales, J.P., Diebold, J.B., Kent, G.M., Tischer, M. and Babcock, J.M., 2005. Frozen magma lenses below the oceanic crust. Nature,Ìý436(7054), pp.1149-1152.

Nedimović, M.R., Hyndman, R.D., Ramachandran, K. and Spence, G.D., 2003. Reflection signature of seismic and aseismic slip on the northern Cascadia subduction interface. Nature,Ìý424(6947), pp.416-420.

Schulze, D.J., Harte, B., Valley, J.W.,ÌýBrenan, J.M. and Channer, D.M.D.R., 2003. Extreme crustal oxygen isotope signatures preserved in coesite in diamond. Nature,Ìý423(6935), pp.68-70.

Plug, L.J. and Werner, B.T., 2002. Nonlinear dynamics of ice-wedge networks and resulting sensitivity to severe cooling events. Nature,Ìý417(6892), pp.929-933.

Beaumont, C.,ÌýJamieson, R.A., Nguyen, M.H. and Lee, B., 2001. Himalayan tectonics explained by extrusion of a low-viscosity crustal channel coupled to focused surface denudation. Nature,Ìý414(6865), pp.738-742.

Brenan, J.M., Shaw, H.F. and Ryerson, F.J., 1995. Experimental evidence for the origin of lead enrichment in convergent-margin magmas. Nature,Ìý378(6552), pp.54-56.

Gosse, J.C., Klein, J., Lawn, B., Middleton, R. and Evenson, E.B., 1995. Beryllium-10 dating of the duration and retreat of the last Pinedale glacial sequence. Science,Ìý268(5215), pp.1329-1333.

Vasconcelos, C., McKenzie, J.A., Bernasconi, S., Grujic, D. and Tiens, A.J., 1995. Microbial mediation as a possible mechanism for natural dolomite formation at low temperatures. Nature,Ìý377(6546), pp.220-222.