

Mrittika  Shamsuddin



Related Information

Email: Mrittika.Shamsuddin@dal.ca
Phone: 902-494-6393
Mailing Address: 
Department of Economics
PO Box 15000
6214 University Avenue
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Research Topics:
  • Labour
  • Migration
  • Development Economics


Selected Honours and Awards

  • UAEU Start-up Grant (31B045), 2016–2018
  • Graduate School Fellowship, Georgetown University, 2008–2009 and 2011–2012
  • Graduate School Assistantship, Georgetown University, 2009–2011 and 2012–2013
  • Wall Street Journal Student Achievement Award, 2008
  • Excel Research Scholar, Lafayette College, 2005–2007
  • Williamson Scholarship, Lafayette College, 2004–2008

Selected Publications

  • Financial well-being and International Migration Intentions: Evidence from Globl Surveys, with Marina Selini Katsaiti and Amany A. El Anshasy, Journal of Happiness Studies, 2023 (Forthcoming).
  • Proximity-Sensitive Relative Deprivation and International Migration Intentions, with Marina Selini Katsaiti and Amany A. El Anshasy, Migration Letters, 2022.
  • Income Rank and Income Concerns: What Correlates with International Migration Intentions?, with Marina Selini Katsaiti and Amany A. El Anshasy, Economic Analysis and Policy, 2022.
  • Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants in Brazil, with Pablo Ariel Acosta, Rovanne Battaglin Schwengber, Jedediah Fix and Nikolas Pirani, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series 9797, 2021.
  • Integration of Venezuelan refugees and migrants in Brazil, with Pablo Ariel Acosta, Rovanne Battaglin Schwengber, Jedediah Fix and Nikolas Pirani, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series 9605, 2021.
  • Migration and Happiness: Evidence from Germany, with Marina-Selini Katsaiti, Journal of Happiness Studies, 2019.
  • Heterogeneous Treatment under Regression Discontinuity Design, with Yasin Kursat Onder, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2019, Vol 81.
  • Endogenous growth model of a labour-adundant and land-scarce economy, with Tahmina Sultana, Md. Moniruzzaman and Mohammad Tareque, Journal of Social and Economic Development, 2019.
  • Weight Discrimination in the German Labor Market, with Marina-Selini Katsaiti, Applied Economics, 2016, Vol 48, No. 43.
  • Do Bangladeshi Migrants Favorably Self-Select and Sort Across Destinations?International Journal of Manpower, 2016, Vol. 37, No. 3.
  • The Causal Interaction between Financial Development and Human Development in Bangladesh, with Abdulnasser Hatemi-J, Applied Economics Letters, 2016, Vol. 23, No. 14.
  • Labour Market Effects of a Female Stipend Programme in Bangladesh, Oxford Development Studies, 2015, Vol.43, No. 4.
  • The Effects of Monetary Policy Signaling on Term-Structure of Interest Rate, Proceedings of National Conference on Undergraduate Research, 2008. 


  • Ph.D. Economics, Georgetown University DC, USA - August 2008–July 2013
  • B.A. Economics & Mathematics, Lafayette College PA, USA - August 2004–May 2008