Leslie Phillmore
Email: Leslie.Phillmore@dal.ca
Phone: (902) 494-2794
Fax: (902) 494-6585
Mailing Address:
- Learning
- Memory
- Songbirds
- Perception
- Neurogenesis
- Neuroplasticity
- Seasonality
PDF (University of Western Ontario)
MA/PhD (Queens University)
BA (Huron College, University of Western Ontario)
Research Interests
Songbirds have considerable neural real estate dedicated to the complex behaviours of song learning, perception, and production. We study perception and immediate-early gene response in perceptual regions, environmental factors that affect neurogenesis, and how stress affects song learning and brain development in male and female zebra finches.
Selected Publications
Phillmore LS, Klein RM. (2019). Thepuzzle of spontaneous alternation and inhibition of return: How they might fittogether. Hippocampus, 29, 762-770.
Roach SP, Mennill DJ, Phillmore LS.(2017). Operant discrimination of relative frequency ratios in black-capped chickadeesong. Animal Cognition. 20(5): 961-973.
㎜hillmoreLS,Fisk J, Falk S, Tsang CD. (2017).Songbirds as objective listeners: Zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) can discriminate infant-directed song andspeech in two languages.International Journal of Comparative PsychologySpecial Issue. 30
Phillmore LS,MacGillivrayHL, Wilson KR, Martin, S.(2015). Effects of sex and seasonality on thesong control system and FoxP2 protein expression in black-capped chickadees (Poecileatricapillus).Dev Neurobiol,75, 203-216.
㎜hillmore LS, Veysey AS, Roach SP. (2011). Zenk expression in auditory region changes with breeding condition in male Black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). Behav Brain Res, 225, 464-472. [0]
㎜hillmore LS. (2008). Discrimination: from behaviour to brain. Behav Process, 77, 285-297. [3]
Awards and Honours
Professor of the Year in Neuroscience (awarded by the Undergraduate Neuroscience Society)