

Turning ideas into action

Students participate in DSU's Imagine event

- February 5, 2008

Sustainability, diversity, teaching quality, campus bars and how to help single parents studying at AV整氈窒 were just a few of the topics raised at last weeks Imagine 08 event.

Anything can be brought up for discussion, said Mike Tipping, president of the AV整氈窒 Student Union. This is also the first year were using Open Space Technology at an Imagine event.

Open Space Technology is a way of facilitating discussion using four basic principles: whoever comes are the right people, whatever happens is the only thing that could have, whenever it starts is the right time and when its over, its over.

Imagine is the fifth in a series of ongoing events run by the DSU to help identify what needs to be done at AV整氈窒 to make it better for students. AV整氈窒 50 students attended. Discussion was lively and enthusiastic people had lots of ideas.

We have a poll on the DSU website about teaching at Dal, said Tara Gault, DSUs vice president (education.) Approximately 40 per cent of people who took this poll are satisfied with teaching quality at AV整氈窒, which says to me theres still room for improvement.
Other issues, including how diversity can be promoted better on campus, were also discussed at Imagine.

Diversity was recognized as an issue that must be addressed on an ongoing basis and this cannot be satisfied with a Diversity Day, remarked Lisa Buchanan, an Imagineparticipant. The discussion took place last Wednesday afternoon in the McInnes Room.

The group discussed the creation of a diversity centre in the Student Union Building where various societies on campus could network with one another, work together on events and get involved in raising diversity awareness on campus.

This is all about talking about an idea and turning it into action, said Ms. Gault, 21. You can see from the Project Flow Chart in the SUB that student ideas do create real results.

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