

Teaching Dossier Drop-In

Friday, June 28, 9-11 a.m.
Killam Library, Room B400*

Are you currently bringing together or revising your teaching dossier? Join our drop-in session! Bring your draft documents to this CLT session where educational developers will be on hand to answer questions about how you might represent your work in the dossier, provide feedback, and offer suggestions for your next draft. Everyone is welcome, and you do not need to have a complete dossier to join. No registration required! You are welcome to share a draft ahead of the session by emailing Rachelle.McKay@dal.ca or Elizabeth.gillis@dal.ca

No registration required.

*Please note that the B400 classroom is in the basement of the Killam Library. We are aware of, and apologize for, the accessibility barriers associated with this room. If you require the use of an elevator to reach this room, one of the CLT staff will have to access the elevator with you, using their key card. Please let us know in advance so that we can facilitate a smooth and timely transition to the basement.

We also ask that participants be respectful of those with significant allergies and avoid wearing perfume, aftershave, cologne, and highly scented hairspray, soaps, lotions, and shampoos.

