

Richard Davis

Glider Team Leader

email: rfdavis@dal.ca
phone: +1 902-494-2829
campus location: SOSB Rm. 2-47

Educational Background

  • MA Biology, University of Texas at Austin
  • BSc Biology, University of Texas at Austin

Research Interests

  • Bio-optical oceanography
  • Autonomous ocean observations
  • Phytoplankton ecology and physiology

Selected Publications

Cullen, J.J., R.F. Davis and Y. Huot, 2012. Spectral model of depth-integrated water column photosynthesis and its inhibition by ultraviolet radiation. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 26, GB1011, doi:10.1029/2010GB003914.

Cullen, J.J. and R.F. Davis, 2003. The blank can make a big difference in oceanographic measurements. Limnol. Oceanogr. Bull. 12: 29-35.

Huot, Y., W.H. Jeffrey, R.F. Davis, and J.J. Cullen, 2000. Damage to DNA in bacterioplankton: A model of damage by ultraviolet radiation and its repair as influenced by vertical mixing. Photochem. Photobio. 72(1): 62-74.

Neale, P.J., R.F. Davis, and J.J. Cullen, 1998. Interactive effects of ozone depletion and vertical mixing on photosynthesis of Antarctic phytoplankton. Nature 392: 585-589.

Cullen, J.J., A.M. Ciotti, R.F. Davis, and M.R. Lewis, 1997. Optical Detection and Assessment of Algal Blooms. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42: 1223-1239.

Davis, R.F., C.C. Moore, J.R.V. Zaneveld, and J.M. Napp, 1997. Reducing the effects of fouling on chlorophyll estimates derived from long-term deployments of optical instruments. J. Geophys. Res. 102(C3): 5851-5855.

Lazin, G., R.F. Davis, A.M Ciotti, and M.R. Lewis, 1996. Ocean color measurements from low-flying aircraft:  atmospheric and surface glint correction. In Ocean Optics XIII, S.G. Ackleson, R. Frouin, Eds., Proc. SPIE 2963: 703-707.

Davis, R.F, 1996. Comparison of Modeled to Observed Irradiance. J. Appl. Meteor. 35: 192-201.