


July 7 juillet



Projection publique / public screening:

The Artist (Michael Hazanavicus, France, 2011, 100m),
James Dunn Theatre
Introduction: Rapha禱lle Moine, Paris 3)

July 8 juillet

Tuesday/ mardi


Rapha禱lle Moine (Paris 3)

Globalist-Localist Tensions in Genre Films: The example of contemporary French mainstream cinema

12h30-14h30 Lunch / d簾ner

Projection de seminaire / seminar screening:泭

Pobal (Louis Marcus, ire, 1969, 24m)
In The Labyrinth (Roman Kroiter, Colin Low & Hugh OConnor, Canada, 1967/79, 21m)

15h30-16h00 Coffee pause caf矇

Jerry White (AV整氈窒)

Un humanisme direct : nationalisme et internationalisme dans le documentaire canadien et irlandais la fin de l矇poque 竄 v矇rit矇 罈


Public screening/projection publique:

Programme of films curated by Sylvia Hamilton/programmes de courts-m矇trages r矇dig矇 par Sylvia Hamilton

July 9 juillet

Wednesday/ mercredi


Laurent Creton (Paris 3):

conomie politique du cin矇ma fran癟ais: comp矇titivit矇 vs diversit矇 culturelle ?

12h30-14h30 Lunch / d簾ner

Projection de seminaire / seminar screening:

Programme of Estonian animated short flms / programmes de courts-m矇trages estoniens

15h30-16h00 Coffee pause caf矇

Shannon Brownlee (AV整氈窒):

21st Century Estonian Animation in a Global Context


泭Public screening泭 / projection publique:

Nostalgia de la luz (Patricio Guzm獺n, France/Chile, 2011, 90m),
James Dunn Theatre
Introduction: Darrell Varga, NSCAD University)

July 10 juillet

Thursday/ jeudi


泭Emmanuel Siety (Paris 3)

Figurations du monde interconnect矇

12h30-14h30 泭 Lunch / d簾ner

泭Projection de seminaire / seminar screening

The Open Grave (Ron Kelly, Canada, 1964, 54m)

15h30-16h00 Coffee pause caf矇

Jennifer VanderBurgh (Saint Marys)

Two Canadian Metatexts That Think Through Televisions Local/Global Tensions


Public screening/projection publique

Arctic Defenders (John Walker, Canada, 2013, 90m)
James Dunn Theatre (en pr矇sence de John Walker in attendance)

July 11 juillet Friday / vendredi

Office hours / heures de bureau

Jerry White, Shannon Brownlee, Jennifer VanderBurgh.

Des bureaux partag矇s seront mis disposition des 矇tudiant(e)s au Centre d矇tudes interdisciplinaires (1376 rue LeMarchant).

Shared workspace for graduate students will be available at the Interdisciplinary Studies Centre (1376 LeMarchant Street).

July 14 juillet

Monday / lundi

Atelier dune journ矇e au cours de laquelle les 矇tudiant(e)s participants pr矇senteront leurs communications.

All-day workshop
, with graduate student participants presenting the papers they have been working on.