2018 & 2019 ‑ Volumes XX & XXI

Volume XX (2018)

Editors: Madelaine Wheeler, Dwight Crowell, Torin Vigerstad

Production Editor: Andrew Griffin

Table of Contents:

The Happiness of Aeneas - Dwight Crowell

Pentheus and the Destruction of the polis in Euripides' Bacchae - Alex Elvidge

Skepticism as a Way of Life - Andrew Griffin

Al-Farabi and Aristotle on Language as Origin of Politics - Aidan Ingalls

"Everything in Every Concept": The Reconciling Power of the Not-other in Nicholas of Cusa - Marielle V. Nicol

The Reflection of John of Damascus' Theological Writings in the Second Canon of Πεντηκοστάριον - Ksenia Romashova

Love and Memory in Sappho - Jennie Selman

Medea's Mirror: ὄμμα and the "Reflective Gaze" in Euripides' Medea - Cristalle Watson

Red-Hot Iron: Stoic Theories of Mixture in John of Damascus and the Theory of Perichoresis in Theosis - Madelaine Wheeler


Volume XXI (2019)

Editors: Andrew Griffin, Dwight Crowell, Ksenia Romashova, Michela d'Entremont, Keith Kampen, Ethan Speigel, Torin Vigerstad, Cristalle Watson, Madelaine Wheeler, Justin Wollf

Production Editor: Andrew Griffin

Table of Contents:

Form and Matter, In Short - Cameron Yetman

Interpersonal Ataraxia: On the Atomic Qualities of Epicurean Friendship - Caleb Sher

De Suffragio Muliebri (Liber Primus) - Cristalle Watson

The Non-Being of Something: The Question of Quasi-Being in Stoic Ontology - Ethan Speigal

Politics, Piety, and Resistance: The Anglo-Saxon Reception of Christianity in Kent and Essex - James G. Lees

True Pleasure and Tranquility for Mortals and Gods: An Exploration of Tranquility & Renewal in Lucretius' De Rerum Natura - Jonah Mullen

Ἄπειρον in Aristotle's Physics and Metaphysics - Irene Serra

Graphic Censorship: An Analysis of the Representation of Prostitutes in Erotic Roman Art - Lucy Fitch

Material Metaphors of Conversion: Light and Sight in St. Augustine - Nathan Ferguson

Translation of Catullus' Carmen 13 - Sarah Sharp

Dido's Guuilt in Ovid's Heroides VII - Michela d'Entremont

A Non-mathematical Analysis of Astronomy in Aristotle's Metaphysics - Ksenia Romashova