

March 18th


TO: Students, Faculty and Staff

From: Dean, Faculty of Engineering

Engineering Community, it has been a very busy day for many and there are many busy days to come, so I will be brief.

A primary focus for today was to get revised course descriptions online so students could understand changes to courses and begin preparing themselves for Monday. These should all be done by now. Please review. If you have any questions, please contact your instructor as they are in the best position to clarify.

We will also try to add items to the FAQs on our site as we identify things that appear to be frequent questions.

Internally I have been working with AV services as we try to make facilities more easily available to faculty members wishing to record lectures for their course in the coming days.

This is now the primary site for Faculty messaging so keep reviewing it daily. I am sure there will be many messages and questions to answer in the days to come.

Within the best ability to do so, keep yourself and your families well.