

Carbon Capture and Storage

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a process in which carbon emissions are captured from their source and then stored in geological formations such as salt domes of deep-sea basalts. This process helps us to meet our emission reduction requirements to mitigate climate change while still being able to meet our energy needs. Nova Scotia has many ideal sites for CCS, and we have been increasing our research into CCS in Nova Scotia and the Maritimes both within the Basin and Reservoir Lab and with external partners.

Sources of CO2 - Atlantic Canada

CO2 Emission sites

View H. Pothier, G. Wach, and M. Zentili's work on [PDF - 13.2 MB] (2011).

Here is a map of Atlantic Canada illustrating locations sedimentary basins adjacent to major sources of CO2 emission sites (modified from Enachescu, 2006).

To be economically feasible, the CO2 emission source must be close to the storage reservoir. Here we can see the proximity of emission sites to the  surrounding Eastern Canadian basins and existing pipeline infrastructure.

The main sources are the power generating stations in both Nova Scotia and New Brunswick which burn a combination of coal, bunker ‘C’, light fuel oil and natural gas.

Lesser sources include cement manufacturing facilities.

Natural Gas and Carbon Capture Storage


View A. Grant and G. Wach's research on [PDF - 1.4MB ] (2013)