


Program Schedule for the Joint Meeting of the Atlantic Canada Seminar in Early Modern
Philosophy and the Quebec Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, 2022.

Dates: July 5th -8th

Hosted by: the Department of Philosophy, AV整氈窒.
Location: Room 1170, McCain Building
6135 University Avenue
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 4R2

Recordings of seminar series are now linked under schedule entries below.泭
Passcode for viewing: ACSEMP_2022


Tuesday July 5th

9:3011:00 am: FREE

11:1512:45 pm: Ilgin Aksoy, 竄 A Power-Centered Mereological Reconstruction of the
Substance-Mode relation in Spinozist Ontology (Memorial University of Newfoundland) (via

12:451 :45: Lunch

1:453 :15: Oberto Marrama, 竄 Mat矇rialisme et panpsychisme au 17e si癡cle : Cavendish,
Hobbes et Spinoza 罈 (University of Oulo, Finland)

3 :305 :00: FREE.

Wednesday July 6th

9:3011:00 am: Syliane Malinowski-Charles, 竄 Certitude et id矇e did矇e chez Spinoza 罈
(Universit矇 du Qu矇bec Trois-Rivi癡res)

11:1512:45 pm: Ana簿s Delambre, 竄 La religion philosophique de Spinoza. Dialogue entre C.
Gebhardt et F. Alqui矇 罈 (Universit矇 de Montr矇al) (via ZOOM)

12:451:45: Lunch

1:453:15: Calvin Normore, Definition, Hobbes and Medieval Nominalism, (UCLA, McGill
University, University of Queensland.)

3:305 :00: Yining Wu, The Arrow by the Archer: Extrinsic Teleology in Cudworths Plastic
Natures (Temple University)

6:30 pm: Barbeque chez Vincis

Thursday July 7th

9:3011:00 am: Emanuele Costa, Elizabeth on Attributal Predication: Exclusive and Non-
Exclusive Dualism (Vanderbuilt University) (via ZOOM).

11:1512:45 pm: Deborah Brown, The Neural Correlates of Consciousness in Descartes
(University of Queensland).

12:451 :45: Lunch

1:453 :15: Lawrence Nolan, Descartes Beast-Machine Doctrine (Cal State, Long Beach) (via

3 :305 :00: Aur矇lian Chukurian, 竄 Le cart矇sianisme au miroir de leucharistie 罈 (Universit矇 de
Gen癡ve) (Via ZOOM)

Friday July 8th

9:3011:00 am: Nabeel Hamid, Wolff on Substance, Power, Force (Concordia University,

11:1512:45 pm: Filippo Costantini, Leibnizs Characterization of Quantity (CaFoscari
University of Venice and McMaster University)

12:451:45: Lunch

1:453:15: Nicholas Michiele, Leibnizs Mereology: What Can a Monad be Understood as if it
is not a Part of Body? (University of Western Ontario)

3:305 :00: Glenn Hartz, What Strawson Should Have Said about Leibnizean Monads ( The
Ohio State University), joint with the Friday Colloquium of the Philosophy Department (via

6:30 Conference Banquet.