

Industry & partnerships

Connected regionally, nationally and around the world

Research groups in the Chemistry Department connect with many industry partners during the course of their work. Here are some examples of companies who collaborate or contribute to our research:

  • Syngenta UK
  • Treventis Corp.
  • DeNovaMed Inc.
  • NeuroQuest Inc.
  • Mindful Scientific Inc.
  • Alentic Microscience Inc.
  • Cantec Systems and Axion Power International Inc.
  • Bruker Biospin
  • Ocean Nutrition Canada
  • Vive Crop Protection.
  • 3M Company
  • 3M Canada Company
  • Medtronic Corporation
  • Boehringer-Ingelheim
  • AstraZeneca
  • Merck
  • Solvias
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Strem Chemicals
  • Chevron-Phillips
  • Digital Specialty Chemicals
  • Cytec
  • Corning
  • Merck Frosst (US)
  • Protein Discovery
  • Toshiba Research and Development
  • Scotian WindFields